The process of designing a landing page or an app screen is quite simplified today, thanks to the variety of free and premium HTML templates. Nevertheless, there might be cases when your business requires custom elements that match your specific requirements.
Some examples may include:
- ticket checkout module
- school calendars
- interactive blog design
- conference timeline
- appointment booking calendar
- job application forms
- burger constructor element
The list above is endless here, but the core idea is to help you achieve the most optimal result by involving multiple designers to work on the same task.
How does it work?
Kenzap has verified thousands of applications before allowing designers to participate in the contest. You can work peer-to-peer with each designer individually however it usually takes more time to reach desired goals.
Use this contest feature to engage multiple designers to work on your task and award one that you like most.
Once you award to the winner, you are free to work with the selected candidate on all ongoing projects peer-to-peer.
Designers will extend your existing design by creating additional UI element that matches existing design system.
What is included?
You will be provided with visual design samples created in AI, Figma, Sketch or other application depending on the designers' preferences. This package does not include design to HTML conversion, nor it includes whole landing page design. This contest is intended to create one relatively complicated element for your existing web or app project. This element can be classified as section, module or componenet.
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