Sayidan - WordPress Theme

Alumni, student directories and user registrations. Open community forum of Sayidan theme to get free help and support.

There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.

After running te setup wizard for demo data the site crashes due to conflicting with the Super Socializer plugin.

up to what version of wordpress

Hello, up to what version of wordpress is it compatible?

Do yous still provide support and updates for this theme ?

Hi There I'm about to purchase the Sayidan Alumni theme but I'll like to know if you still provide support and updates for this theme cause the last Update says 27 July 2022

Thanks in anticipation of your response.

demo import

Hello, I just purchased your template, but I don't know how to import the site's default data. where can I download the xml or json file of the template data. THANKS

Events not in order

Hi, I have a few challanges.

When I make the Events page I can select to show "All" events, but the oldest event is showing first. Also, the pagination is not showing. If I reload, it shows for a fraction of a second and then disappear.

In the landing page, when I use the Blocks Widget, if I choose the "Blog" and choose a category I made, nothing shows.

In the User's Profile Page, it's not looking the same as the sample page. Mine's looking like a Facebook and says "Comments" and "Posts" even though I havent enabled any, but the sample page have the Info centered with no Posts section and now Cover Image.

My domain name is changed from 'org' to 'com'

Dear concern,

I purchased the the "Sayidan - University Alumni WP theme" on 2018 since then it was working nicely on my site. Recently for an incident I changed the domain name from .org to .com and .org is now not active. Now is it ok ? May i use this theme to my .com domain? Domain name is unchanged. Please help.

Refund - Not as expected

Hello, I recently purchased the sayidan theme and it is not what I expected, I want a refund.

No Content In Event Detail

Hi Kenzap Team,

I Have an issue,

I have created a new event, but suddenly, no content appears on the

detail page, the post appear on "upcoming event" section, but if you

click "join now" no content appears. Here the link :

I don't feel like I've made any changes to my website, help me please,

and thank you.


Hello, I purchased your theme named sayidan, but it has been a long time since support. I also delivered the job to my customer. But now I have a problem. My mobile menu is not working. The domain name is Can you help me solve this problem?

where can I see or read the installation guide

where can I see or read the installation guide?, I have installed it but it doesn't match the demo content