E-ATA Carnet - How to Submit an Application Electronically

This is a guide to help E-ATA Carnet system applicants with their application submission process.

To access the system please request the Guaranteeing Association to register your email address first.

Please note that you do not need to register your email address every time to submit an application. The system will remember your email address and link it with your future submissions automatically.

Once the system can recognize your email address you can access the portal with the help of the One-time password (OTP).

To save the email address in the browser for future sign-ins a "Trust this device for 30 days" option can be enabled.

Application Form

Immediately after signing in to the A-ATA Carnet portal an electronic application form is loaded.

Hints and other interactive interface elements will guide you through the application form-filling process.

The electronic application form follows the following data-capturing structure:

  • Your name, surname and designation section
  • For and on behalf section
  • Representatives section
  • Travel list section
  • Travel info
  • Declaration of the ATA Carnet intended use
  • General list
  • Required documents
  • Urgent processing

Application Draft

It may happen that the application submission process takes more time than planned. In this case, you are encouraged to use Save as Draft feature as shown in the image below.

Simply click on the yellow Save as Draft button located at the bottom of the application form. This will create a copy of the application form that can be accessed from the My Account page.

Application Submission

Before the application can be submitted all relevant input fields should be filled in and successfully validated.

In case some parts of the application form are not filled in properly the system will automatically notify you about it. The system below provides an example of such a case.

My Account

My Account page provides a consolidated view of all submitted applications. To access this page click on the menu hamburger in the top left corner of the screen and then click on the My Applications menu item.

My Account pages allow you to track application submission status, access draft applications, view cancelled and manage approved applications. All these functionalities are split across four main tabs as shown in the image below.

Processing Tab

This tab consolidates all applications with New, Amended and Queried statuses. To perform additional actions with the application click on the three dots icon as shown in the image below.

At this state it is possible to View, Amend or Withdraw the application. Once the application is verified by the agents and no questions are raised then the application will be automatically relocated to the green approved tab.

Please refer to the approved tab section of this article for more details.

In case the application is verified but agents have additional queries regarding the submission, the application status will be presented as Queried.

To view the message from the agent click on the View option from the three dots menu.

Close the window and start the application amendment by clicking on the Amend option from the three dots menu.

Alternatively, you can cancel the application by clicking on withdraw option. After the application is withdrawn it will be automatically relocated to the red Canceled tab.

Draft Tab

The yellow draft tab stores all applications that were saved as drafts earlier. It is possible to remove and edit these applications.

Canceled Tab

The red canceled tab stores all withdrawn or cancelled applications. It is not possible to remove applications from this tab. They are kept as a historical archive.

Approved Tab

The approved tab stores all applications that are verified by the Guaranteeing Association agents and issued electronically to the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce).

From this tab the following actions are allowed:

  • Application preview
  • Application replacement
  • Application cancelation
  • QR-code download

The application preview and cancelation follow identical behaviour as described in the processing tab chapter of this article.

The application replacement may be required when data changes are inevitable to an already issued carnet. By creating a replacement carnet the system will create a new application record and assign a new carnet number that is linked with the original replacement carnet.

The main purpose of the QR-code is to link electronically issued carnet with the ATA Carnet mobile application.

The application can be downloaded directly from the App Store or Play Market .


In case you have any questions regarding the platform usage feel free to submit your topic under the E-ATA Carnet forum. Please also refer to the popular topics below.

How to edit my ATA Carnet application?

My application has red Query badge status, what does it mean?

How to view my applications in the ATA Carnet mobile app?

How to cancel an application after its submission?

Why do I get "Please contact to get access to the portal" error?