Universal multi purpose WordPress theme suitable for various business niches. Enjoy industry leading and fundamentally new editing system integrated directly into WordPress core while written in React. No more bulky third-party Page Builders.
This WordPress solution comes with hundreds of pre-built layouts such as banners, galleries, testimonials, contact forms and many more. There will be no more need to search additional layouts and worry about compatibility issues.
Performance is handled very seriously in this theme. Out of the box it does not rely on any third-party dependencies. This along reduces the amount of unused JS and CSS code that overloads traditional WordPress websites.
It can also work in headless mode without the header or footer. It only loads necessary amount of styles and scripts required to render one particular part of the page.
This means that your WordPress website will work equally fast with only one or more than one thousand different pages with custom layouts and components. Thanks to smart asset distribution in the source code of the page.
Multi comes with more than 10 different industry optimized designs and 50 various custom page designs including such niches as
- corporate companies
- legal, insurance services
- meal planning, organic food
- mobile app landing
- beauty, makeup services
- yoga, recreation services
- creative digital agency services
- event industry services
- travel, blog
- photography
- online courses, educational institutions.
Here is the list of the layout types included in this product:
- Banner: single event banner.
- Banner: highly customizable countdown banner.
- Banner: full width video background banner.
- Banner: classic two button layout.
- Banner: global search banner across all WordPress content.
- Banner: dropdown, category select banner and automatic redirect.
- Banner: venue, location banner with powerful call to action button.
- Banner: with official App Store and Play Market download icons.
- Blog: classic 2-4 column grid blog with vertical, horizontal and square image aspect ratio.
- Blog: 2-4 column grid blog with text right position.
- Blog: metro style blog.
- Blog: masonry styled blog.
- Blog: strong date, month stripped card.
- Brands: grid block with company logos.
- Brands: single strip scrollable logos.
- Features: multi table layout.
- Features: 3-4 column icon and bottom text layout.
- Features. full width horizontal feature slider.
- Info block: 50/50 divided layout with three images and texts.
- Info block: dropdown FAQ-like large vertical image with overlapping card titles.
- Logos: company logos horizontal strip.
- Images: standard normal, wide, full width image layout.
- Images: stylish overlapping 2 images drop.
- Gallery: variable aspect ratio grid image gallery.
- Gallery: carousel image gallery.
- Gallery: fullwidth overlapping card and text grid gallery.
- Gallery: masonry styled gallery.
- Gallery: fullwidth large image with small thumbnail popup preview gallery.
- Pricing: two column animated pricing tables with powerful CTA text layout.
- Pricing: classic three column pricing table with CTA buttons, pointing to checkout or custom page.
- Pricing: tabbed pricing tables.
- Pricing: full screen pricing tables.
- Pricing: 1-2 column pricing lists. Ideal for large amount of services or restaurant menus.
- Steps: 3 large horizontal numbers with title and text positioned below the number.
- Steps: one row numbered how-to styled layout.
- Steps: 3 column steps with animated horizontal line.
- Testimonials: minimalist avatar, text and author name testimonials slider.
- Testimonials: no avatar, variable width textual testimonial slider.
- Testimonials: full width large testimonial semi-transparent author photo.
- Team members: team members avatar pictures with square, rounded or bordered layout type.
- Team members: corporate team members or employees with avatar image, email, phone number.
- Stats: animated countdown timer element.
- Stats: animated circle progress bars.
- Stats: horizontal bar charts with percentage.
- Stats: variable column animated numbered counters.
- Search: global blog search layout with powerful query configuration option.
- Events: event calendar aggregated by months.
- Events: upcoming or past events list cards.
- Events: live event search with sidebar filtered by location, tags, price or custom search string.
- Tickets: ticket number selection grid row.
- Timetable: weekly calendar to list courses, lesson cards schedule online.
- Calendar: booking calendar with direct WC integration.
- Tabs: vertically tabbed layouts with solid buttons or classic link for navigation.
- Tabs: horizontally tabbed layouts.
- Contacts: clean and minimalist with Ninja form integration.
- Contacts: boxed styles contact form.
- Contacts: variable 2 columns rectangle cards with office locations.
- Contacts: list of company representatives, couches with avatar image and contact details.
- Contacts: CTA full width strip with built-in email or phone number action upon click.
- Contacts: horizontal email, phone, address layout.
- Accordion: one or multi column FAQ section with different animated icons.
- BeforeAfter: text and image with horizontal slider representing changes upon user slider interaction.
- CTA: full width 50/50 clickable square blocks layout.
- CTA: vertically stretched and bordered layout.
- CTA: "Need help?" contact us designed element.
- Subscription: minimalist subscription for.
- Subscription: boxed subscription form linked with Mailchimp.
- Timeline: minimalist vertical timeline.
- Timeline: horizontally scrollable timeline.
- Timeline: event optimized timeline with date and time.
- Roadmap: horizontal animated layout with years and custom shaped box cards.
- Navigation menu: with WC cart and logo on the left.
- Navigation menu: with CTA button and logo on the left.
- Navigation menu: with centered logo and two menus aside.
- Top-bar: with social icons, contacts or sign in links.
- Paragraph: adds highly customizable text elements with custom typography settings and dynamic screen rules.
- Embed: drag and drop YouTube video links for automatic imbeds.
- Embed: list Spotify channel with audio playback functionality.
- Embed: embed Twitter or single Instagram post.
- Embed: any other third party iframe Internet content.
- Embed: dynamic Google maps with custom address and location pin.
The list above highlights most popular layouts only but you will get access to more layouts that are included in the Startup Package. See some customized versions of the layouts below.
Globally search for events or any other information. on your website with the help of the single event banner. Keep in mind that you can adjust borders thickness, radius, typography size and weight, colors, background image and even set gradients.
This theme is extremely rich on layouts that will help you describe your products to your audience in the most accessible way. Starting from simple three column "how-to start" layouts ending with complex animated elements that will grasp immediate attention of potential buyers.
Unleash the potential of your brand. List most notable companies that you collaborate with increase exposure.
Need to list your company representatives, school teachers, restaurant chefs or yoga gurus. This is not a problem. You can choose among multiple layouts that are optimized for variable number of person cards and different contact information such as social networks or direct phone or email contacts.
One image may tell more than one thousand words. With that being said we equipped this theme with 7 highly customizable gallery layouts. You can choose the location of the text, adjust its style, choose among different hover effects, handle individual image preview, set custom rules for different screen sizes and many more other styling options. With such an extensive option to list your graphical assets online there will be no need to search for premium paid gallery any longer. It will simply work out of the box as it is optimized to work with this theme.
If you work with data, you can find advanced elements such as pie charts, bars and counters to reflect information in a more accessible way. All statistical layouts come with animated effects so that your data will look fresh and live.
As one of the core functionalities of WordPress is focused on blogging we decided to enhance its default styling options and implemented more than 5 fundamentally different layout styles. You can start from using standard three card element as demonstrated in the above image or set variable amount of columns with full screen capabilities.
Let others know what your clients think about your services. Testimonials and referrals are one of the driving factors to increase sales and revenues of any business. There are various testimonial layouts that this theme is equipped with. With background cut out avatars, round shaped avatar image or with simply plain text and a background image.
One of the greatest advantages of this theme is that it can operate in headless mode. This means that your page will not load unnecessary dependencies when the content is not present. Embrace this new trend set directly by WordPress team early today and enjoy its benefits while the rest of world will continue to transition slowly.
For example, you may set custom heading style for each individual page or even create the page without traditional header. This gives you unique advantage to design fundamentally unique pages under one WordPress host. This may potentially save your time and money on running multiple WordPress instances with different designs. Now you can everything in one place without worrying about performance issues.
Typography is one of the most fundamental aspects of our online world today as most of the information is perceived via textual form. At the same time it is very frustrating that most of the theme vendors are not providing all available set of tools to perfectly tune the typography settings. Every textual part of every layout that comes with this theme allows you to adjust the following typography related settings:
- Responsive font size that depends on actual screen width.
- Dynamic line height for optimal vertical rhythm.
- Font weight.
- Font color or font background color, shades.
- Drop shadows.
- Italic or strike through.
- Google fonts.
- Sans, Sans-Serif, Monospace.
- Letter spacing or kerning.
Stylish look is something that we took care of too. If you are running a temporary promo campaign or selling stylish fashion products you will be able to find a collection of banner or call to action elements that will point you website visitors to the right location of your website.
One of the most traditional ways of listing products online is with the help of pricing tables. This theme comes with various pricing tables designs. Some include two tables, while some can handle 6 tables separated with switch like tab toggle control.
Some businesses may need a different way to list their products. A good alternative to pricing tables are pricing lists that can be split into two columns with unlimited amount of product item rows.
Indicating the progress of your business is something that every about us page should cover. Various timeline and roadmap layouts allow you to set up your individual storyline, perfectly tailed with your business vision.
To streamline the process of support you can add additional elements with full width clickable functionality so that website visitors can reach your sales or support department in one click.
Contact forms are highly important for every single website as they allow your users to submit feedback, ask for quotes or contact support team. This theme is equipped with contact forms that provide deep integration into popular ninja forms plugin. This allows you easily setup your forms and additional fields such as textual input fields, multi row text input fields, dropdown elements or even radio buttons.
The information will be then structured and sent directly to the provided email address and copied to its original sender mailbox.
For a more advanced functionality you can install global search module that can be linked directly with search banners or other elements of your website in order to improve navigation over your website should it grow big one day. You can adjust custom taxonomies, categories and may other settings in order to optimize search page results.
You can build your mini search engine system 100% powered by WordPress directly in your website.
Our product is among the top rated in its niche. The WP Asia team managed to serve more than 5,000 WordPress customers worldwide. Our user based is spread globally and can be found in almost every country in this world.
Latest Standards
This theme has all the necessary elements and predesigned layouts that will add professionalism to your business regardless the niche you choose. By default it comes with various and diverse landing home pages:
- General corporate landing page
- Legal, insurance landing page
- Organic, healthy nutritions landing page
- Mobile app landing page
- Recreation, wellness industry landing page
- Single and multi event landing page
- Beautypreneur's salon landing page
This theme is built on top of latest and trendy technologies such as React JS and will work faster compared to classical PHP centric themes.
This theme is easy to customize and just visually. You have hundreds of predefined layouts where you can set up such parameters as:
- colors, texts, buttons
- font sizes and style
- element shape, layout width and height
- header foot customization
Additional Layouts
On top of all this functionality you can have free demo trial and hundreds of additional layout examples. Not all of the layouts are loaded into the demo preview of this specific theme but you can search for any layout by clicking on a plus sign when you create a page.
Kenzap backs WordPress and you can find numerous of plugins and extensions under free WordPress repositories developed by us. All these plugins are optimized for Kenzap themes while any other theme vendor can also rely on it too. In addition to that, every plugin is verified by core WordPress team.
Plugins are a main building block for Kenzap themes and unlike any other third party developed themes you can enjoy open source nature of our products.
Well Documented
There are many resources available online that can help you build the website of your dream starting from simple how to forum topics ending with free detailed YouTube video guides. Should you have any question we recommend you reach our support team for assistance as they will help you find the most relevant guide that matches your request.
Feel also free to submit a ticket under this Support tab.
Free Kenzap Cloud Demo
Check out free Kenzap cloud demo to see this product in action. You can try creating you first page or adjust existing demo content without any need to understand HTML language. Its easy and intuitive and yet it gives you all powers of Wordpress with access to its numerous plugins. Free Cloud Demo.
Enjoy nice and fresh looking design of this theme.
Easy to Install
This theme should work easily with most of the popular hosting providers. Whenever you need additional help or support you can rely on: