Ideal WordPress theme designed for healthy food catering services using modern Gutenberg editor. It works faster while having no dependencies on third party page builders. You can still use your favorite page builder if you choose so as this theme is compatible with latest WordPress standards.

Meal Plan Constructor

As a meal plan catering business you may need to construct custom bundled meal plans, process checkouts, have custom meal plan variation options. For example, you can set up daily or weekly meal plans, you add additional options to choose vegan, or gluten free meal plans.

All this functionality is automatically integrated into WooCommerce which means that you can connect more than thirty different billing gateways for payment collection, set up various shipping zones to differentiate delivery prices among various regions in your country.

Weekly Plans

Setup weekly plans for your catering business. Tabbed layouts can be both vertical and horizontal. Users can easily navigate by clicking on the tabs and preview details about the meal plan.

Pricing Lists

Reflecting prices on your website play crucial role in final conversion rates. Typically themes support classical 3/4 tables layouts which unfortunately do not meet modern business requirements especially when you need to feature multiple products under one page. Pricing lists element is a good way to showcase most popular meals with prices in one place. 

Powerful Galleries

This theme comes with 7 various gallery layout types. Each gallery has a set of parameters where you can change hover effects, define images size. Make image preview portrait or landscape style. For example, on the image below there is an instagram like gallery with horizontal meal carousel and auto rotation feature.

Online Market

This theme is e-commerce integrated and is powered by WooCommerce plugin. You can easily checkout your customer online and set up most popular billing methods.

Nutrition Facts

Add separate pages linked to your products with nutrition facts tables. You can customize this table in live and add new lines.

How to add additional layouts?

On top of all this functionality you can have free demo trial and hundreds of additional layout examples. Not all of the layouts are loaded into the demo preview of this specific theme but you can take any from this source: or WordPress public repositories. 

WordPress Standards

Kenzap officially WordPress and you can find numerous of plugins and extensions under free WordPress repositories developed by us. All these plugins are optimized for Kenzap themes while any other theme vendor can also rely on it too. In addition to that, every plugin is verified by core WordPress team.

Plugins act a main building blocks for Kenzap themes and unlike any other third party developed themes you can enjoy open source nature of our products.

Included Layouts

Popular Gallery Layouts

  • Masonry
  • Square image grid
  • Full width 
  • Various size image carousel
  • Full width metro style gallery an much more

Check out free Kenzap cloud demo to see this product in action. You can try creating you first blog post without any need to understand HTML language or other such things. Its easy and intuitive and yet it gives you all powers of Wordpress with access to its numerous plugins.

Enjoy nice and fresh looking design of this theme.

Edit in Cloud