Guillermo Chanivet

Guillermo Chanivet


My concern for artistic issues channeled my decisions towards a more creative point of view, opting for a degree in Advertising and Public Relations.During my university stage, I began to investigate fields such as creativity and graphic design, combining my academic formation with both personal and professional projects.My interests revolve around artistic direction, editorial design, branding, creative direction and illustration, projecting my laboral future in any of these disciplines.FormationBachelor degree in Advertising and Public Relations, Universidad de Sevilla (2016-2020).LanguagesSpanish (native language) and English (FCE B2.2).ExperienceWithin the academic framework, I have developed and presented campaign proposals for Google (Google Home) and the university canteen of the Universidad de Sevilla (Menu “Me gusta”).I have worked at RK Estudio (Seville, January 2019 – February 2020) for brands such as YAMAHA (Spain), Kociban (Seville) or Centro Docente María (Seville). I have also done freelance work for companies such as Grupo Energético Puerto Real or institutions such as Diputación de Cádiz and Universidad de Cádiz (UCA).All these projects have been developed through programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects.