• Gints - AI Assistant for Sheet Metal Fabrication Business - image 1

Gints was first trained in Latvia, a beautiful eastern European country. His main goal is to assist managers with their daily operations in sheet metal fabrication business. Here is the list of Gints' capabilities:

- Read inbound supplier and client communication;
- Rely on Gmail and WhatsApp as main communication channels;
- Classify requests into three main categories orders, price quotations, supplier requests;
- Structure price quotations based on sheet metal industry requirements;
- Assign categories to products;
- Perform reasoning tasks when applicable to add missing data;
- Handle vague client requests;
- Enter product details into the CRM system;
- Generate invoices;
- Reply to clients.

Some important impact metrics include:
- Concurrent order request processing;
- More transparent client quotation workflow;
- Better client engagement rates;
- Faster quotation response rates (up to 20x times);