With the help of this theme you can bring your beauty business to the next level and create professional online presence of your brand.   

Online Cosmetics Shop

All products are linked with WooCommerce plugin. The process of creating and listing your beauty products is well documented. You can also connect payment gateway of your choice in order to accept payments online.

Makeup Image Gallery and More

You can showcase your saloon life online directly on your website. This theme comes with various image gallery layout types, choose one that suits your design best.

Appointment Booking

One of the most powerful features of this theme is an online appointment booking calendar. It is also linked with WooCommerce which means that not only you can accept and manage booking online but also make your users pay for the appointments online.

Easy to Customize

This theme is easy to customize and just visually. You have hundreds of predefined layouts where you can set up these parameters.

  • change color of texts and buttons
  • adjust font size and style
  • change element shape and adjust its width and height
  • customize search toolbar and much more

You may definitely need to showcase special occasions on your website in a cool and professional way. This theme comes with various gallery layouts to support WooCommerce Supported

Your point fo sale is here right away backed by most popular checkout management system. Use different payment gateways, set up shipping zones for custom delivery locations.

Blogging Functionality

This theme supports 6+ multiple blogging layouts. You can also grant permissions to your employees to create guest posts and accept publications manually. 

How to add additional layouts?

On top of all this functionality you can have free demo trial and hundreds of additional layout examples. Not all of the layouts are loaded into the demo preview of this specific theme but you can take any from this source: https://multi.as.kenzap.com/ or WordPress public repositories.  

WordPress Standards

Kenzap officially WordPress and you can find numerous of plugins and extensions under free WordPress repositories developed by us. All these plugins are optimized for Kenzap themes while any other theme vendor can also rely on it too. In addition to that, every plugin is verified by core WordPress team.

Plugins act a main building blocks for Kenzap themes and unlike any other third party developed themes you can enjoy open source nature of our products.

List of additional layouts compatible with this theme

Free Kenzap Cloud Demo

Check out free Kenzap cloud demo to see this product in action. You can try creating you first page or adjust existing demo content without any need to understand HTML language. Its easy and intuitive and yet it gives you all powers of Wordpress with access to its numerous plugins. Free Cloud Demo.

Enjoy nice and fresh looking design of this theme.

Edit in Cloud