• Automated Scalable Generation of 3D Cell Cultures by Novel Bioprinter - image 1

Technology Overview

3D bioprinting offers a way of generating 3D cultures in the form of spheroids (from cancer cells) and embryoid bodies (from stem cells). The manual method for generation of such 3D cell structures, known as the hanging-drop method, is labor-intensive and not amenable to up-scaling in biotech industry. 

RP has developed an automated, cost-effective, novel bioprinter that can rapidly generate 3D cultures of various cell types with multiple applications in (not limited to) drug discovery, cosmetic testing, tumor studies etc.

Technology Features

  • Cells can be maintained in a uniform suspension and resolve the issues of cell clogging in the nozzle.
  • Compatible with various cell types (e.g. human and mouse stem cells, transformed cells etc.).
  • Ability to produce uniform-sized 3D embryoid bodies and spheroids containing accurate cell numbers.
  • Easily customisable for various applications and cell types. The end-user is not required to do troubleshooting or additional validations on the system.

Potential Applications

  • Cell culture laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, health industry and cosmetic industry where cell cultures are used extensively for research and testing purposes. 
  • Ideal for embryotoxicity testing of drugs, cosmetics and nutraceuticals.
  • Can be used in cardiac disease modeling.


  • Cost-effective and simple method.
  • Easy to operate and requires little training.
  • Can be used in lieu of expensive animal testing.
  • All surfaces and materials that are in contact with cells are sterilisable.
  • Portable and can be housed within a biosafety cabinet.
  • Process is repeatable and suited for up-scaling in biotech industry.


This technology is available for licensing and technology transfer.